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Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Vancouver Serial Killer Spins Bizarre Defense

Accused serial killer Charles Kembo is in custody - that is the most important thing I can tell you about this guy. According to an article in The Vancouver-Sun, he "is spinning a bizarre tale in his own defence about sexual taboos and a dissolute party life featuring aliases, drug abuse, petty crime, money-laundering and non-stop dissembling.
"He couldn't remember the date of his marriage or his son Grant's birth, mixed up the times of other key events, and claimed to have once paid $65,000 to a ring of extortionists to free a wife he supposedly never lived with."
"In the face of overwhelming circumstantial evidence, incriminating surveillance recordings and seemingly culpable statements made to police, Kembo offered only a brazen denial to the allegations he murdered his wife, her daughter, his mistress and his best friend."
Alleged Vancouver serial killer Charles Kembo 

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