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Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Former 'Dating Game' Killer Has Date With Death

"The Orange County Sheriff's Department didn't waste much time getting rid of convicted serial killer Rodney James Alcala," it was reported in the Orange County Register.

On Wednesday – a day after he was sentenced to death for murdering four Los Angeles County women and a Huntington Beach girl – a sheriff's transportation detail rushed Alcala back to Death Row at San Quentin Prison, the report said.

"There was no compelling reason to keep him here," said Sheriff's Department spokesmanJohn McDonald.

By the terms of the court-authorized death warrant, the sheriff's department had 10 days to transport him to San Quentin.

He joins more than 700 other convicted killers awaiting execution in California.

Execution will not happen anytime soon for Alcala: he is entitled to another automatic appeal of his latest conviction and death sentence handed down by Orange County Judge Francisco Briseno.

There is also an informal moratorium on executions in California as defense attorneys litigate in federal court whether death by lethal injection is unconstitutionally cruel and unusual punishment.

There have been only 14 killers executed in California since capital punishment was reinstated in 1978, including four from Orange County.
  • Rodney James Alcala is a convicted rapist and serial killer. 
  • Alcala has been thrice tried, convicted, and sentenced to death for murder.
  • The first two trials were for the murder of 12-year-old Robin Samsoe, and the convictions were overturned.
  • The third trial was Samsoe's murder, as well as the sexual assault, torture and strangulation of four women in Los Angeles.
  • Alcala was once a winning contestant on "The Dating Game," leading some media to dub him the "Dating Game Killer." He has also been compared to serial killer Ted Bundy. 

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